Sunday, September 4, 2011

Paper or plastic?

There was a day before the plastic grocery bag, even though many of you may not remember, either because you're too young or you're too old to remember when you didn't get a got paper.  Anyway, there was such a time, and it's a good thing for my kids too, 'cause plastic would have been too dangerous.
See, we were poor, I mean really poor, and all the kids had to play with sometimes (forget Fischer-Price and Playschool) was boxes and bags.  The wife was very resourceful and disposable paper products were a staple of play-time around the house and became anything she or the boys could think of, and by the way those appreciated it too, let me tell you, 'cause if we had fresh bags that week, it meant we must have gone to the grocery store that week and probably there'd be food to eat as well.  Let me tell you those were some happy kids when we had food.

 When the wife wasn't preggers (which she was most of the time) and feeling really good she'd jump in that ol' broke down VW miro-mini bus and try to score a big box from a furniture or appliance store.  Talk about fun!  One day our neighbors bought a new refridgerator.  Those little guys were on cloud nine, uh huh!  They didn't even know they didn't have real toys.  Ah, for the imagination and the simple things in life.

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