Monday, February 14, 2011

yes, you can outgrow cute!

My niece has an unusual pet.  It is called a Sugar Glider.  They're kind of a rodenty looking thing.  Cuter than say a rat, or a mouse.  They kind of look llike an over-stimulated hamster.  But what happens when they get bigger and stay around too long and think they are powerful?

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Hey buddy, got a light?

i guess maybe this was just so close he couldn't pass it up.
a guy paid me $65.00 for an old zippo engraved with the initials "HMW".
his initials:  "HMN".
maybe he knows a really good engraver.

Say What????

When Kathy found this on our front door yesterday, I could not believe the audacity of it all.

I mean, chances are that the guy who left the tag doesn't even know my dog.

I called this morning to give them what-for, and let them know that we have raised Beamer by the highest ethical and moral standards available to dogs (not the same as people because it is OK for a them to sniff each other's butts in public and for people...) and he is by no means "loose."  Besides, isn't that a term more appropriately applied to females?  (plus he's been fixed)

The guy I spoke with said they had a complaint from Freemont St. about a big white dog harrassing someone.  After I explained that Beamer was a brown Bassett Hound and was neither "big" nor "white" and that I didn't live on Freemont St. and that Beamer was never out, he said he would expunge the records if Beamer completed a PPI